Drivers of Employee Engagement

Drivers of Employee Engagement

by Chris Barathi Pillai

Image credit; Sketch Bubble 


Employee engagement is very important for every organization nowadays. The development of the company depends on the employees working in the company. Accordingly, employee engagement is the ability of employees to continue working at the workplace. There are many factors that affect this. Employee engagement is increased by motivating employees and understanding what motivates them to commit personally to their work. Thus, employee engagement affects all activities in the organization.

With today's rapid development and economic, social and technological changes, it will be very important to understand the fundamentals that lead people to do the best they can at those times. Employee engagement can often be influenced by their desire for meaningful work, career growth, empowerment, belonging, recognition, leadership, and fulfilling work relationships (Bell & Menguc, 2002).

Due to technology and other changing factors in today's world, employee engagement has changed somewhat. And many other things remain unchanged. However, a contemporary strategy for engaging your people and employees requires a more personalized approach to these factors (Ozaralli, 2003). Learn more about the drivers of employee engagement, how to identify the most important ones for your business, and how to apply this knowledge to improve employee engagement (Ellis, & Sorensen, 2017).

Attridge (2009) mentioned some of the factors affecting employee engagement are mentioned below.

  • The culture within the organization – An organization’s culture is formed from the beliefs and actions that exist within the organization from the past to the present. The culture of the organization is further demonstrated by the dominant leadership and management styles within the organization.
  • Firm's industry - This will be a very important matter. That is, the work they do will be very important to motivate employees to work. Accordingly, the work carried out by the organization is very important to increase employee motivation.
  • The job function of the employees - Here the tasks assigned to the employees of the organization will be very important. This is because their work tasks will be very specific to their work motivation. Here, the officers working in the organization should be given the freedom to work by providing jobs that are suitable for them, i.e. they have previously studied, liked or suited them. This will encourage the officials of the institution to do their work.
  • Career Path for Officers – Employees should be given career goals when they are employed. There will be a high willingness to provide their services. For example, employees starting their careers may place a high value on competitive salaries and talented executives who can support them in developing their skills.

Attridge (2009) stated that the following 8 basis points will be very important for employee engagement. By implementing those facts in the organization, the motivation of employees to work will increase.

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Identify Organizational Drivers of Employee Engagement;

A contemporary strategy for employee engagement requires an understanding of what motivates individuals, even when those motivations change. A platform that offers a thorough understanding of the employee experience, such as people's success, is the most efficient way to assess and track key drivers at scale and in real-time.

An effective employee engagement solution within a people success platform provides information promptly and as needed rather than in a massive annual data dump. It can help businesses identify the elements that have the biggest impact on employee engagement as well as elements unique to certain managers and teams (Hewitt, 2014)

Boost Employee Engagement

For this, the organization should give proper recognition to the employees and should make it suitable to the culture of the organization so that the employees are not inconvenienced (Markos & Sridevi, 2010).

                                                Image credit: Center for Creative Leaders 

Hewitt (2014) mentioned, drivers also evolve over time with changes in management, culture or external forces. By proactively seeking employee feedback on a regular basis, a People Success platform enables you to evaluate, track and increase employee performance.

According to the facts so far, employee engagement is important for every organization and there will be many factors affecting this employee engagement. By changing those factors, the employee motivation of the employees of the organization will change. Accordingly, one should have a good understanding of the motivation of the officers of their organization to perform their duties.


Attridge. M., 2009. Measuring and managing employee work engagement: A review of the research and business literature. Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health, Volume 24(4),, p. 383–398.

Bell , S. J. & Menguc , B., 2002. ‘The employee-organisation relationship organizational citizenship behaviors, and superior service quality. Journal of Retailing, Volume Vol. 78, pp. 131-146.

Ellis, , C. & Sorensen, A., 2017. Assessing employee engagement: The key to improving productivity. Perspectives, Volume 15(1), , p. 15.

Hewitt, A., 2014. Trends in global employee engagement. [Online] Available at: 2014-trends-in-global employee-engagement-report.pdf [Accessed 15 July 2015].

Markos, . S. & Sridevi, . M., 2010. Employee engagement: The key to improving performance. International Journal of Business and Management, Volume 5(12), p. 89–96.

Ozaralli, N., 2003. Effect of transformational leadership on empowerment and team effectiveness. Leadership & Organizational Development Journal, Volume 24(5/6), p. 335–344.



  1. Hi Chris! This blog post offers a comprehensive overview of the drivers of employee engagement and how to boost it in an organization. It highlights the importance of employee engagement and how it affects an organization's development. It discusses factors that affect employee engagement, such as organizational culture, industry, job function, and career path. Additionally, the blog post suggests a contemporary approach to employee engagement, which involves identifying the most important drivers unique to certain managers and teams.

    The post emphasizes the need for a people success platform that offers a thorough understanding of the employee experience to assess and track key drivers of employee engagement in real-time. It also suggests that proper recognition and making it suitable to the organization's culture can boost employee engagement.

    Overall, this article provides valuable insights into the key drivers of employee engagement, and how they can be identified, evaluated, and managed for increased productivity and organizational success.

  2. Well scripted.
    Article provides an idea of the factors that influence employee engagement. In addition to the above, an employee - manager relationship also drives the level of employee engagement. When employees feel supported, valued, and heard by their manager, they are more likely to be motivated and committed to their work. A good manager can provide feedback and recognition that help employees feel appreciated and invested in their job.

  3. Thank you for the knowledge! Understanding what inspires employees and causes them to be personally committed to their work is crucial for increasing employee engagement. But there aren't any common factors that influence employee engagement. They can differ between businesses, and even between various employee groups working for the same company. Additionally, drivers might alter with time or as a result of outside events.

  4. In this emerging context, Technology has had a significant impact on employee engagement in recent years.It has made it easier for employers to communicate with their employees in real-time, make it easier for employees to work remotely or on flexible schedules, customize the employee experience to individual preferences and needs, and use gamification techniques to make work more engaging and enjoyable. However, there are potential drawbacks to consider, such as employees feeling overwhelmed by the constant stream of digital communication or their privacy being invaded. Hope you will agree on my point of view.

  5. An informative article on the drivers of employee engagement. I would like to added a point where initiative of employee wellness would also increase employee engagement. Employees build a connection/trust with the company when the company assures that they care about the employee's mental and physical health. Around 58.4% of respondents in a survey agrees that their performance is improved by wellness programs (Mani, V., 2011).

  6. Employee engagement is a human resource management concept that describes the level of enthusiasm and dedication a worker feels toward their job. The biggest employee engagement trends is in 2022- 2023 is the emphasis on flexible work arrangements. Employee engagement trends towards evaluation of employee experience and employee helth and wellness. Employee value flexibility is another important trend of employee engagement.

  7. This is a good article to get an understanding on what would drive employees to engage to thier duties.

  8. Surveys that ask pertinent questions and focus on possible issue areas are the best instruments we have for gauging employee engagement. Focusing on the three main factors that influence employee engagement—purpose, autonomy, and relationships—is a terrific place to start for HR professionals who are just starting to gauge employee satisfaction.


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