Employee emotional Engagement

Employee emotional engagement 

by Barathi Pillai

HRM department?

An organization is only as good as its employees, therefore HRM is important for maintaining or enhancing the success of the organization. HRM directors can also keep an eye on the labour market to keep their company competitive. This might entail ensuring equal pay and benefits, organizing events to prevent employee burnout, and changing job positions to reflect the market.

No matter the size of the company, the HRM department is a crucial aspect of the operation. Its duties include increasing employee productivity and safeguarding the business from any problems that might develop within the workforce. Compensation and benefits, hiring, dismissing, and staying current on any regulations that may affect the business and its employees are just a few of HR's duties.

HR department’s main functions are:


                                                                source: eAcdemy.lk

Employee disengagement

According to Gallup, over 60% of the workforce is either “actively disengaged” or “not engaged.” That’s almost 2/3rd of all workers! Gallup says that these workers are “not cognitively and emotionally connected to their work and workplace; they will usually show up to work and do the minimum required but will quickly leave their company for a slightly better offer.” (Eddy, 2023)

Examination of previous studies highlighted that employee engagement has become a never-ending quest. Gallup, a research firm, says that in 2017, 38% of workers in Sri Lanka were engaged, 54% were disengaged, and 8% were actively disengaged. According to Gallup (2013), 14% of Sri Lankans were engaged, 62% were disengaged, and 23% were actively disengaged. (Keppetipola & Iddagoda, 2021)

Every person has a different combination of complex emotions, life experiences, situational anxiety, and obligations in their home life. How can we as HR managers/leaders expect to get the most out of our team members if we are unable or unwilling to acknowledge this?

Why do employees become disengaged?

  • Lack of connection - When we don’t have relationships at work, we’re more likely to feel burned out, stressed out, and — you guessed it — disengaged.
  • Lack of recognition and reward- Though most leaders admit that recognition on the job is important, they also admit that they don’t regularly acknowledge employees for their exceptional and dedicated work.
  • Lack of trust in leadership - According to Gallup, when employees don't trust organizational leadership, their chances of being engaged are only one in twelve. Employees who have lost confidence in management have no real commitment to the organization.
  • Lack of freedom in being able to do what they do best -   Employees want to do what they were hired to do. Managers who feel the need to manage over the shoulders of their employees without giving them the opportunity to think for themselves and make their own decisions limit employees’ chances to perform at their highest level.
  • Lack of flexibility - In fact, what many people are calling “quiet quitting” now is a knee-jerk reaction to many employees feeling like work is taking over their lives. Many are disengaging emotionally. (Parker, 2018)

What are the signs of employee disengagement?

•            No Initiative in their Employee Performance

•            Unhealthy Activities

•            Silence Indicates a Problem in the Workplace

•            Lack of Learning = Lack of Work Motivation

•            Wasted Weekends

Low employee engagement leads to:

•            Increased turnover

•            Decreased productivity and profits

•            Increased safety incidents

•            Decreased customer loyalty

(Chmura, 2023)

One of the challenges today in the HR department

Human resource managers and business leaders have a lot on their plate: new technologies, constantly shifting preferences of their consumer base and (more and more) a workforce that’s looking for more from their job than just a paycheck. Modern employees are seeking personal and emotional engagement from their work, and smart managers are looking for ways to provide such a connection.

( KnowledgeCity, 2021)

Employee emotional engagement


                                            source: Workhuman 

The Study of Emotional Engagement  

The authors of a study published in The Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies investigated the relationship between managers’ behaviour and employees’ emotional engagement and how it relates to employee turnover. They found that emotional engagement is a powerful motivating factor in retaining employees, implying that giving workers the chance to feel personally connected to the job and the workplace can have a positive influence on retention and productivity. That means businesses can spend less time – and less money – training new employees, and more time focusing on improving the customer experience. (KnowledgeCity, 2021)

Ways to keep the employee emotionally engaged

·       Treat the employees with kindness and respect - A sense of fellowship, a sense of control, and noticeably higher levels of happiness were reported by those who received acts of kindness from others.

·       showing patience and having empathy - empathy is the ability to recognize emotions in others and to understand other people's perspectives on a situation. At its most developed, empathy enables you to use that insight to improve someone else's mood and to support them through challenging situations

·       Encourage Open Dialogue - Having open communication among your staff can promote stronger teamwork and boost sales.

·       Be Transparent - Being open and polite when sharing your ideas and opinions is known as transparency. A communication and relationship-building strategy called transparency places an emphasis on being straightforward with coworkers. 

·       Acknowledge and Recognize - Everyone enjoys feeling appreciated. Celebrate the achievements of your staff on a regular basis.


“Dale Carnegie quoted that "When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion", As the HRM department and executives are concentrating on supporting the workers as they try to achieve the company's goal, it is important to pay attention to their emotions and personalities as this will encourage them to work more cheerfully.

When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute.



Chmura, A. (2023) Disengaged employees: Spot signs of engagement problems. Workhuman ( online) Available at: https://www.workhuman.com/blog/disengaged-employees/. Accessed on 23rd March 2023. 

10 inspiring HR quotes to take on 2023 (2023) Eddy (online). Available at: https://eddy.com/10-inspiring-hr-quotes/.  Accessed on 23rd March 2023. 

KnowledgeCity (2021) How to emotionally engage your employees. KnowledgeCity (online). Available at: https://www.knowledgecity.com/blog/how-to-emotionally-engage-your-employees-and-set-your-organization-up-for-success/. Accessed on 23rd  March  2023.

Parker, B. (2018) 3 reasons why employees become disengaged and leave, or worse-they stay. LinkedIn (online) Available at: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/3-reasons-why-employees-become-disengaged-leave-stay-parker cplp#:~:text=The%20three%20reasons%20that%20are,their%20jobs%20without%20management%20interference. Accessed on 23rd March 2023. 

 Keppetipola, M. and Iddagoda, A. (2021) “Nature of employee engagement: Rethinking its levels,” Labor et Educatio, 9, pp. 103–125. Available at: https://doi.org/10.4467/25439561le.21.007.15361. 



  1. Interesting topic, Barathi. I have a small tip for you. It would be easier on the eyes of the reader if you could use less colours such as red and bright blue for the fonts in the article.
    That being said, I would like to give you an idea since your topic discusses emotional engagement. It would be an interesting extension to this article to discuss the impact of 'emotional intelligence' on organisations.

  2. Hi Barathi, Very well discussed. Employee emotions play a vital part in the organisation's growth. On the other hand, it effects the personal growth of the employee as well. The manager's behaviour has a direct impact on the employee emotions as you have correctly quoted. The organisation policies , values and work place culture would also impact the emotions of the employees. The organisations looking at employee welfare would keep employee emotion as one of the key matrix to quantify their employee welfare. Organisations will definitely benefit when they contribute towards a positive emotion among their employees.

  3. The article discusses the importance of the HRM department in an organization and highlights the challenges that HR managers face in keeping employees engaged and emotionally connected to their work. The article also provides insights into the reasons behind employee disengagement, such as lack of recognition, trust, and freedom, and outlines the signs and consequences of low employee engagement.

    Furthermore, the article suggests ways for HR managers to improve employee engagement, such as treating employees with kindness and respect, encouraging open dialogue, and acknowledging and recognizing employee achievements. The article concludes that emotional engagement is a powerful motivating factor in retaining employees, and businesses should focus on improving it to boost productivity and profits.

    Overall, the article presents relevant and valuable insights into the HRM department's role in maintaining a motivated and engaged workforce. Interesting article Chris good luck.

  4. One of the first researchers to promote the idea of employee engagement was psychologist William Kahn. Based on his research, Kahn wrote a paper in 1990 titled "Psychological Conditions of Personal Engagement and Disengagement" to test the theory that the different levels of themselves that employees bring to their work affect their experiences at work and their performance. The three basic categories of employee engagement—cognitive, emotional, and physical—were discussed by Kahn in his article. Kahn endorsed the notion that motivating workers on a cognitive, emotional, and physical level makes them feel more appreciated and supported on a mental and physical level, as well as more secure and confident in their jobs. (Tenney, M. 2020)

  5. Employee emotional engagement refers to the level of emotional connection an employee has with their job, colleagues, and organization. Emotionally engaged employees are highly motivated, committed, and passionate about their work. Here are some ways in which organizations can enhance employee emotional engagement

  6. This article review that how to effect employee emotional engagement to the company success .Emotionally engaged employees are the people who will drive innovation and move your business forward. According to Gallup, emotionally engaged employees are in roles where they excel and their talents are truly leveraged. Because of this, these people come to work wanting to make a positive contribution every day. Students who score higher on emotional engagement are likely to score higher on achievement tests. In fact, Gallup found that schools with an engagement measurement just 1% higher than the mean have 6% higher reading scores and 8% higher math scores. One way to effectively create student emotional engagement is communicate with students using feedback that focuses on utilizing noticing strategies to scaffold the students toward mastery. Another way to create emotional engagement is to build a trusting relationship that shows support and encouragement.

  7. An interesting topic has been chosen Barathi. According to 6Q Blog (n.d) Successful employee engagement will change modern firms for the better. Since employees are the company's lifeblood and are responsible for its success, it should be one of the company's top objectives. For the firm to consistently attain excellence, leaders and managers should endeavor to make an ongoing effort to connect with and engage employees. Again, the five terms Care, Connect, Coach, Contribute, and Congratulate sum up the 5C technique for motivating people. You are putting your business on the road to better employee relations and all-around workplace fulfillment by adhering to these five straightforward steps to employee engagement. Additionally, you could receive guidance on how to enjoy your job more.

  8. The article highlights the importance of employee emotional engagement for businesses to retain their employees and improve productivity. Employee disengagement is a significant problem, with more than 60% of the workforce being either actively disengaged or not engaged. Lack of connection, recognition, trust, freedom, and flexibility are the main reasons for employee disengagement. This article does suggest some ways to keep employees emotionally engaged, such as treating them with kindness and respect, encouraging open dialogue, being transparent, and acknowledging and recognizing their achievements. It is crucial for HR managers to understand the complex emotions, life experiences, situational anxiety, and obligations of their employees and provide them with opportunities to feel personally connected to their job and workplace, which can positively influence retention and productivity.

  9. Employee engagement Vs. disengagement , according to quantum workplace highly engaged employees are brand advocates, who speak favorable of the company. They work overtime and put in extra effort to help the organization succeed. Otherwise, disengaged employees have a negative perception of their workplace. They are disconnected from the organization's mission and goals. "Statesof the Global Workplace report" indicates that 85% of employees are not engaged their works. What you think about this?

  10. I understand that employee emotional engagement is becoming increasingly important in contemporary HRM due to the recognition that employees are individuals with emotions, feelings, and aspirations. It is also important for organizations to focus on remote work and diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. It is a critical factor in creating a positive work environment, increasing employee satisfaction and retention, and driving organizational success. Appreciating your interest in this area.


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