Goal-Setting Theory and the Important of a Healthy Journey Towards Achieving the Goal

Goal-Setting Theory and the Important of a Healthy Journey Towards Achieving the Goal

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"Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible" by Tony Robinson. As an individual or within an organization, everyone will have some sort of goal which drive them to plan and move forward. Everyone wants to achieve their goals on a set timeline, and they work for it. It is important to understand our journey towards achieving the goal, are we somehow trying to achieve a goal? (Not concern for others in the team or personal life; or are we trying to make our journey healthy towards achieving the goals even if we miss the timeline a little?

Goal setting theory.

In the 1960s, Edwin Locke put forward the goal-setting theory of motivation. This theory states that goal setting is essentially linked to task performance. Locke & Lathan stated in 2002 that, in companies and management practices, goals have a significant influence on employee behaviour and performance. (Shaiza and Giri, 2016)

What is the goal-setting theory?

Goal-setting theory is an organizational psychology theory. (It’s also sometimes called the goal-setting theory of motivation.) According to this theory, goals that are clear, specific, and challenging are more motivating than vague or easy goals. And when employees are more motivated, they’re more successful in hitting their goals. (Debora 2022)

Why goal setting is important?

Setting up goals, whether by an individual or an organization, is a general practice. Goal setting motivates you to work towards what you want to achieve as an individual or organization.

The 5 principles of goal-setting theory

1. Clarity    

Goal specificity helps the employees better understand the aims of projects and deadlines. It mainly allows employees to understand the ultimate goal behind the project. Thus they can match up to their personal goal to the company’s ultimate goal.  

2. Challenge    

Goals should be challenging but attainable at the same time. Challenging goals tend to demotivate employees and negatively impact their performance goals. However, having realistic goals will motivate employees to give their best. It will lead to building stronger performance goals for employees, and they will have higher job satisfaction at the end.    

3. Commitment    

Commitment helps in keeping the employees on the right track. If they aren’t committed, they will not enjoy the process and ultimately fail to achieve their goal.    

4. Feedback    

Another vital principle of goal-setting theory is the right kind of feedback. Constructive feedback motivates employees to overcome their shortcomings.  Also, continuous feedback keeps them accountable, and boosts positive emotions and their chances of increasing goals performance.    

5. Tasks Complexity    

The complex and challenging goals should be broken down into smaller and simpler goals. Besides, employees should be continuously updated about the progress of larger goals to keep up their motivation level.

( Arnold 2021)

Benefits of Goal Setting Theory

Given below are some benefits that you could get by applying the goal-setting theory of motivation:

  • It will develop employee engagement in the organization.
  • It will help the employees increase their motivation by setting goals.
  • Since employees get feedback on the process of accomplishing the goals, it will help them keep improving their work and also make productivity better.
  • As they successfully accomplish their goals, they help improve employee enthusiasm and morale at work.
  • It will also help to develop good teamwork.
  • Add value to the work that you are doing. 

                                        Image credit: Mckinsey

Cons of the Theory of Goal Setting

This idea also has significant flaws that reduce its effectiveness. The following drawbacks could exist:

  • Employees that are given difficult and unrealistic targets fail to meet them and may lose motivation.
  • The employee's performance objective can be harmed when the goals don't always correspond to their abilities and skills.
  • Complex and ambiguous objectives encourage dangerous conduct.
  • Sometimes it leads to an unethical approach to somehow achieve the goals. 
( Arnold 2021)

Setting and Achieving Goals Faster by Using  SMART Model

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SMART goals were developed by George Doran, Arthur Miller and James Cunningham in their 1981 article “There’s a S.M.A.R.T. way to write management goals and objectives”. 

Specific: What are you trying to do? Who is going to be part of the team? Why are you trying to do this? Where is what you are trying to do taking place? When will you do what you need to do? Be specific, provide a clear picture and hold people accountable

Measurable:  Besides, it should be measurable, and you should provide them with the exact figure so they can track their performance goal. Provide them a specific and challenging target, like increasing the customer satisfaction rating to 20% in 2 months.    

Achievable: Although the goals should be challenging yet achievable, make sure to provide the employees such a task that aligns with their skillset.  An attainable goal will help employees to match their specific goal with the company’s ultimate goal. 

Realistic: Setting unrealistic goals will demotivate your employees instead of motivating them. So, make sure to set realistic goals.    

Time-bound: Goals should be time-bound; otherwise, employees may procrastinate in achieving them, such as instructing employees to increase sales by 15% in the next 120 days. 
(Haughey 2014)

Details about the goal-setting theory have been mentioned above. Setting goals will always help an individual or organization stay motivated and focus better at work. However, it is also important to understand that the journey that we take to achieve the goal has to be healthy even if the target set timeline is not met, provided we are moving towards the goal with teamwork, building trust, and being steady and positive. (Sinek, 2020)


Arnold.E.H. (2021) What Is Goal Setting Theory? teamflect (online). Available at https://teamflect.com/blog/performance-management/goal-setting-theory. accessed on 5th April 2023.

Haughey.D (2014). A Brief History of SMART Goals. Projectsmart (online). Available at https://www.projectsmart.co.uk/smart-goals/brief-history-of-smart-goals.php. Accessed on 7th April 2023. 

Deberan. D (2022) Goal-setting theory: Why it’s important, and how to use it at work. Betterup ( online). Available at https://www.betterup.com/blog/goal-setting-theory. Accessed on 5th April 2023.

Shaiza, P. and Giri, I. (2016). Goal setting theory of performance management system. [online] Project Guru. Available at: https://www.projectguru.in/goal-setting-theory-performance-management-system/ Accessed 04 Apr. 2023.

Simon Sinek (2020) The Lifestyle of an Infinite Mindset. 14th February. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UY-1-9ObaLE (Accessed: April 5, 2023). 


  1. The article provides a good overview of the goal-setting theory and the importance of healthy journeys towards achieving goals. The SMART model is a helpful tool for setting specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound goals. However, it is essential to keep in mind that setting unrealistic goals may demotivate employees and negatively impact their performance. The article also emphasizes the importance of teamwork, building trust, and being positive and steady on the journey towards achieving the goal. good luck Chris.

  2. Great article, Barathipillai. Could you comment on the significance of the vision and mission statements in light of this topic of goal setting?

    1. Hi Thanks for the comment and my answer for your question is Goals are the more specific aims that organizations pursue to reach their visions and missions. vision is what you want to accomplish. Mission is a general statement of how you will achieve your vision.

    2. Yes, however, I am looking for more of your thoughts on the links between these concepts, rather than the definitions you have provided.

  3. Good article,adding to the cons of goal setting,companies goals should be aligned with organization vision and mission.If this is not focused it creates a lack of engagement and commitment by employees due to the confusion on why they really need to work. Therefore connection between the goals and mission of the company should be interconnected.

  4. Thank you for the great article!
    Your explanation of the different elements of goal-setting theory, including specificity, difficulty, and feedback, and how they can be used to improve employee motivation and performance, is well articulated.
    I would like to see you discussing the potential challenges that organizations may face in implementing goal-setting programs, such as resistance from employees or a lack of resources, and providing strategies for overcoming these challenges in your upcoming blogs.

  5. This article drag us to an important side in human resource management Barathi . Setting goals gives long-term vision and short-term motivation . It focuses acquisition of knowledge, and helps to organize time and resources so that can make the most of life. Locke proposed five basic principles of goal-setting: clarity, challenge, commitment, feedback, and task complexity. Goals often help people set clear and laid out plans for what they want to achieve, however it can actually add unnecessary pressure, especially if someone else has created them. Working under pressure can often bring out many people's worst performance and isn't a particularly comfortable working environment.

  6. This article gives a very informative explanation regarding setting goals including the pros and cons of goal-setting.

  7. Goal setting theory is very interesting topic you selected. Goal setting involved the development of an action plan design in order to motivate and guide a person or group towards a goal. According goal setting theory, there are five main principles. Clarity, challenge, Commitment, feedback and task complexity. And you can mention in your article about how use goal setting theory in the workplace with identify the purpose of goals, how meet with the employee and develop and plan using the SMART model. Very unique topic Barathi. Interesting.

  8. Effective goal setting is essential for individuals and organizations to achieve success, but there are several challenges to overcome. These include Ambiguity, Unrealistic goals, Lack of resources, Alignment, Motivation, and Resistance to Change. To overcome these challenges, organizations and individuals should follow best practices such as setting SMART goals, aligning with the vision and mission, providing resources and support, and regularly monitoring progress towards goals as you have correctly emphasized. Useful article for everyone.


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