Employee Development

Increasing Employee Engagement to Build Productivity Workplace

I will be covering in this blog a series of topics which explains " Increasing Employee Engagement to Build Productivity Workplace". The topics are the following:

  1. Employee Development 
  2. Employee Emotional Engagement 
  3. Work-Life Balance 
  4. Emerging Trends in HRM
  5. HR Analytics and Goal Setting
  6. Managing a Multi-Generational Workforce to Increase Employee Engagement.
  7. Managing Work Stress to Increase Employee Engagement and Productivity 
  8. Drivers of Employee Engagement 
It is essential that an organization should focus on employee engagement so that the workplace has better productivity consistently. Schwarts (2012) stated that A workplace that really works? It begins with employers and employees truly valuing and investing in one another.

In this article, I will be covering Employee Development to strengthen the journey of the organization


Over the years, all the organizations focused on having strong human resource departments. This department plays a major role in the organization meeting most of its short-term and long-term goals and objectives. It is more important for HR department to focus on the personal and professional development of employees which will enhance the organization’s development and also the employee’s personal development. 

“As one manager from a major international corporation put it, "Retaining effective staff is more advantageous than employing new employees, much like consumers." More than 70% of the managers agreed that the company's personnel are its most important assets for ensuring its smooth operation and accomplishing its objective of maximizing profitability” (Kumar & Pansari 2016)

What is employee development?

Employee development, also known as professional development or staff development, refers to all professional development opportunities or ongoing education that a business supports for employees in order to help them advance their careers. It covers a range of educational possibilities, such as workshops, professional certifications, college courses, and mentorship programs.

Professional development is intended to advance workers' abilities and knowledge, not merely to create a skill set for a specific function, so they can advance in their whole career path. While it is ultimately the duty of the person to manage their professional development, it is advantageous for the employer to support ongoing learning by ensuring that employees have access to both internal and external learning opportunities.

Why is employee development significant?

Employees are better prepared and confident for their current responsibilities when their employers make an investment in their staff's development. This increases the value of the work they accomplish and is immediately advantageous to the company. (Jehanzeb & Ahmed Bashir, 2013)

Individual Benefits from the Training and Development Program

  • Career Competencies
  • Employee Satisfaction
  • Employee Performance
Organizational Benefits from the Training and Development Program 

  • Market Growth 
  • Organizational Performance
  • Employee Retention   

                                            Source: Business process incubator 

How to establish a strong employee development plan:

·     You must compare your current workforce and business with the future you anticipate before you can put a plan into action. Consider how your teams and employees are currently operating. Secondly, think about what might need to change in order to advance and what difficulties might appear along the route.

·       Hold a training seminar if staff members express a desire to learn more about a certain subject, such as public speaking. Use the networks of your leadership team to find a skilled speaker and colleague who could be willing to share some advice during a lunch and learn event. If staff members are dispersed across topic areas and learning paths, think about providing a professional development stipend to aid staff members in their own endeavours.

·       Urge managers and staff to have regular meetings to go over professional development possibilities and the employee's growth plan. Once more, it's important to personalize learning chances to the individual since if they're not interested in the training style or subject matter, they'll probably not remember it and the learning opportunity will have been wasted. ( Heinz 2023)


                                            source: Stephen Goldberg


Employee development is an essential area for an organization to consistently focus on. When an employee has continuous growth in his professional and personal development, it will enhance the quality of the work and also provide confidence to the employee to handle the work efficiently. It is the responsibility of the employee also to understand the importance of keep developing and change according to the global context. 

Reference list 

Hameed, A. and Waheed, A. (2011) Employee Development and Its Affect on Employee Performance A Conceptual Framework. International Journal of Business and Social Science [online] Available at: https://tinyurl.com/2jvfnafu. Accessed on 21th Mar 2023.

Heinz, K. (2023) 6 reasons why employee development is keyBuilt In (online)  Available at: https://builtin.com/company-culture/employee-development. Accessed on 22nd March 2023.

Jehanzep, K. and Bashir, N.A. (2013) Training and Development Program and its Benefits to Employee and Organization: A Conceptual Study. European Journal of Business and Management ( online) Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nadeem-Bashir-3/publication/274703936_Training_and_Development_Program_and_Its_Benefits_to_Employee_and_Organization_An_Conceptual_Study/links/5c650d59299bf1d14cc4d35b/Training-and-Development-Program-and-Its-Benefits-to-Employee-and-Organization-An-Conceptual-Study.pdf . Accessed on 21st March 2023). 

Kumar, V & Pansari, A (2016). Competitive Advantage through Engagement. Journal of Marketing Research, 53(4), 497–514. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmr.15.0044.

Schwartz, T. (2012) New Research: How Employee Engagement Hits the Bottom Line. Harvard Business Review ( online). Available at https://hbr.org/2012/11/creating-sustainable-employee. Accessed on 21st March 2023.

Thanks for reading and commenting. 

Barathi Pillai


  1. We can develop employee professionally by arranging workshop, courses & mentorship programs. When an employee enhance his ability and skills either they will expect a salary hike or they will look for an alternative job. We need to give sufficient knowledge to get efficient work out put from employes. At the same time It will be challenging to retain the employee.
    What's your view on this

    1. Thanks for commenting and noted your valuable comments. It's important for the organization to understand the important of developing employee in professional and other common skills which the employee might use it in the same organization or in different. But assisting them when their in the organization is vital. Once again thanks.

  2. Employee development is a key area being discussed at strategic forums of many companies. Time and money are being invested on employee development programs at large scale in order to develop and retain talent within the organizations. Each employee must make use of the development programs offered by their employers through which they can develop themselves as an individual and contribute to the growth of the organization as a whole.

  3. Hi Chris. This article is interesting, and the article suggests that organizations should establish a strong employee development plan by comparing the current workforce and business with the future anticipated, holding training seminars, and encouraging managers and staff to have regular meetings to go over professional development opportunities.

    Overall, the article provides valuable insights into the benefits of employee development and highlights the need for organizations to invest in their employees' growth. It is important to note that employee development is an ongoing process and requires continuous efforts from both the employee and the employer.

  4. Excellent article regarding how to strengthen corporate growth through staff development. Winstanley, Z. (2022) has provided 5 suggestions for maximizing employees' potential, including Building strong teams
    Promote individuality
    Open your door
    Offer on-the-job training
    Care about your employees
    With the help of these factors, businesses may encourage employees to take initiative in the organization and can value their ideas while they grow.

  5. Employee development is the process of providing employees with opportunities to improve their skills, knowledge, and abilities in order to enhance their job performance and prepare them for future roles and responsibilities within the organization. Here are some ways in which employee development can be implemented

  6. You have explained that how increase employee performance through employee development from this article Batathi . Employee development is a process of helping employees progress in their careers by acquiring new skills. Its goal is to improve the existing competencies of your employees and helping them to develop new ones, all with the aim of supporting your business goals. The true importance of employee development lies in employee and business growth. Your talent is your business's most important asset, and any investment in their growth can improve loyalty and retention while increasing workplace productivity and creativity.

  7. This article does an excellent job of explaining the importance of employee development in building a productive workplace. You've also made a compelling argument that investing in the personal and professional development of employees can lead to numerous benefits for both the employee and the organization as a whole. It also provides a useful definition of employee development, outlines its benefits, and offers practical advice for establishing a strong employee development plan. Overall, it is a valuable resource for anyone interested in increasing employee engagement and productivity in the workplace.

  8. Employee development is the practice of learning now skills and honing existing ones. Employee development isn't about developing organizational learning and development strategies, it is more than just implementing mandatory employee training. When done right even through employee development requires investment from the compan, those investments will more than pay off over the long term. Employee engagement is a human resource concept describes the level of enthusiasm and dedication a worker feels toward their job. This is very important topic nowadays. You can explain examples of employee engagement, such as TSLA, Inc. With survey of Employee engagement : 2000 - 2019. Good job.

  9. Technology has made learning more accessible, improved performance management, and improved communication and collaboration among employees. E-learning, performance management software, video conferencing, instant messaging, and online collaboration platforms have made learning more accessible and convenient, leading to higher participation rates and better retention of information. This is how I see the way forward of employee development in addition to your explanation.


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