Emerging Trends in Human Resource Management (HRM)

 Emerging Trends in Human Resource Management (HRM)

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by Barathi Pillai


With changes faced during and after the pandemic, people's minds and lifestyles changing, challenges to retaining staff, and new business challenges,  the HR department has to focus hard to keep things positive and get the best out of the employees. The HR department must keep its strategy in line with the trend to support the organization's vision and goals while providing a healthy journey to the employees. 

Technology advancements have completely changed how people communicate, both personally and professionally. Information technology (IT) has substantially increased the HR department's efficiency in terms of hiring and choosing, training and development, and other related operations. This has allowed businesses to lower their associated expenses and speed up the HR department. Digital technologies are used in a variety of HR processes, most notably in those involving the handling of massive amounts of data (big data), computer-assisted training, the use of artificial intelligence in personnel selection and evaluation, the organization of employee feedback on several other processes. Intelligent systems are a fundamentally new category of tools that can ensure an individualized approach to developing leaders, screening candidates, and hiring the right people, as well as recommending the best training, spotting fraud attempts, causing stress in workers, and other organizational issues. Now, artificial intelligence-infused software can virtually address every challenge HR managers have, from selecting candidates to assessing an employee's emotional state (Berzinya, 2018). Such software can examine a specific employee's computer usage (e-mail, websites viewed, documents opened) and spot inefficient behaviours as well as gauge an employee's emotional condition based on correspondence and chat room remarks.

There has been a paradigm shift caused by the pandemic's aftereffects everywhere. To succeed, the HR sector must implement a working style that promotes productivity while also boosting flexibility and efficiency. The structure of HR is evolving virtually daily to keep up with technological advancements. The everyday operations, and subsequently the personnel, should improve with the correct measures and strategies from business executives. Here are the brilliant trends in HRM from our perspective for 2023 and beyond:

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A Hybrid Building

When working from home became commonplace, the personnel groups shifted, forcing all the teams and businesses to split up and relocate throughout the country. While some businesses are promoting starting in-office work once more, many are happy with a hybrid culture and are continuing to operate under it. The path your company chooses can make a big difference in whether you retain or lose employees; almost 40% of the workforce said they'd think about leaving if their company stopped fostering hybrid cultures. Today, a hybrid work environment is also a logical first step for a company looking to grow into international markets. The hybrid culture unavoidably creates fresh chances for development and income. Due to the emergence of hybrid culture over the past few years, growing into other markets has been simpler and more economical.

Rising Global Expansion

Working remotely is the first step in integrating your work into a worldwide market. With the advancement of technology and changing times, HRM trends have changed as well, making it easier than ever to launch a company abroad. Also, governments are supporting businesses by enforcing tight laws in this post-pandemic environment.

Priority is Placed on Employee Experience

Today's workers desire a quality culture and a safe working environment in addition to a high salary. According to HRM trends, a competitive salary keeps employees, and a desirable workplace atmosphere and background also influence hiring decisions. HR executives should use strategies to support a healthy workforce, giving workers better adaptability to changes and disruptions. Today's businesses offer goods, services, and techniques to improve the working conditions for both their own employees and those of other businesses. The current developments in HRM culture include staff management, time & attendance management, employee self-service portals, leave management, etc.

Analytics Getting Attention

Tracking and monitoring the work and personnel became difficult when there was no direct human interaction, particularly when the labour was dispersed throughout the world. It is said that analytics has a significant impact on providing information for decision-making. A company's management of its employees is essential. Making sure that OKRs are completed, allocating the right tasks to the right personnel, monitoring their progress, and rewarding them appropriately are all critical to the success of a company's operations.

A Surge in Monitoring the Employees

Managers frequently find themselves unable to carefully review every single employee's work due to the expanding number of hybrid personnel. A rise in employee monitoring strategies as a result of the lack of interpersonal interaction gave rise to yet another set of trends in HRM. The techniques of monitoring employees include keeping tabs on their workload and performance, as well as their attendance and leave times.

Automating Routine Duties

HR directors can use AI-powered solutions to automate their everyday chores that were previously completed manually in order to prioritize high-value and productive operations. In our technologically advanced world, procedures like screening, finding talent, onboarding, monitoring attendance, etc., may now be handled out by the systems.

To speed up all the automation and prevent any mistakes, appropriate procedures are set up. All of these HRM trends are transforming the workplace and accelerating the expansion of every business using them.

Improving Hiring Procedures

Chatbots are yet another benefit that can be viewed as a component of current HRM developments. Employers can now manage to choose qualified applicants for pertinent roles from the many talent pools available with their help.

Services like resume screening select candidates that fit specific candidate profiles, leading to improved efficiency and superior work performance. One of the most recent developments in HRM right now is the use of solutions like an applicant tracking system.

Benefits of Emerging Trends in Human Resource Management

Better employee self-service - Employees can update their basic information using modern HRM systems without consulting the HR division. The HR team may now concentrate on more crucial and difficult duties because they have more free time.

Improved employee management - The daily administrative burden is lessened by using HRMS. It streamlines company operations, automates some processes that enable data collection for storage in a central database, and adds visual representations of the information in the form of charts and graphs to increase visibility.

Enhanced data security - Enhancing privacy and data protection is one of the numerous benefits of investing in HRMS. The protection of employees' personal information is the responsibility of every company. You may accomplish that and successfully prevent sensitive information from being stolen or used improperly with the use of an HR management system.

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Some of the trends stated above are pandemic-related, while others of them are long-term developments in HR. In order to fulfil the aims and objectives of the organization, the HR departments are crucial in both the hiring process and ensuring that employees have access to the right systems. 


Geetha, R and Sheriff, A.M. (2019) Role of electronic technology in human resource management.  Asia Pacific Journal of Research in Business Management, 2(2), pp.1-10 (online).Available at https://papers.ssrn.com. Accessed on 5th April 2023.

Karakanian, M. (2000). Are Human Resources Departments Ready for E-HR? Information Systems Management. 31-35.

Kirstie, S. (2001). The Use of Human Resource Information System. 677 – 693.

Marler, J., & Parry, E. (2015). Human resource management, strategic involvement and e-HRM technology. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1–21.


  1. Detailed article.
    HR technology is becoming one of the common emerging trend around the globe. The use of software, platforms, and other digital tools to automate routine HR tasks such as recruitment, on-boarding, performance management, and benefits administration have made the HR activities more simpler and saves time. However, implementation of the technology would be a high cost for any organisation. How do you think these costs can be managed by organisations ?

  2. interesting article. The article provides a useful summary of some of the recent trends in HRM. The author highlights the role of technology, especially artificial intelligence (AI) and automation, in enhancing HR processes, including recruitment, employee management, and performance evaluation. The article also highlights the importance of employee experience and self-service portals, which have become increasingly important due to remote working arrangements.

  3. Great article. The Covid 19 pandemic, as you pointed out, has had a considerable impact on current HR trends. There are five trends in HR following the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Rahman, A. (2021), including the expansion of job skill sets, the rise of the at-home workforce, increased use of analytics, a focus on personal wellbeing, and the limitations of employee monitoring.

  4. very good contain, the article has given very important information about, hybrid building,global expansion, priority is placed on employee experience.

  5. This article described that how important emerging trend to work performance . Remote working, technological advancements, and competitive labor markets have made it difficult for managers to develop and maintain an organization's human capital. Issues of employee retention, talent acquisition, and employee wellbeing have increased the Challenges of HRM. It's important to learn HR trends because market climates, employee needs, industry practices and company policies often change as time progresses and technology evolves. World events and societal shifts also often affect how employees and companies approach daily operations.

  6. Very good effort, Chris. My question is specific to your section on hiring, where you have mentioned chatbots and resume screening. With AI being increasingly used in these processes, my question to you is, how can organisations be prepared for the risk of bias, and losing out on talent due to the inherent bias found in AI based systems?

    1. Hi , thanks for the reply and given answer what I red during my research for this article: Pratik Agrawal, recommended firms include humans in the loop rather than relying exclusively on an automated AI engine .
      It is also important to identify data elements that bring inherent bias into the model.

    2. Yes, that is a great observation. Given that AI is as biased as the data it is trained on, diversifying the workplace and inputs that these AI systems are exposed to can cause a shift away from the inherent bias found in these systems. Moreover, it makes sense to provide training and development aimed at moving away from bias that exists in individuals that make up the workplace. It is not an overnight process, but a gradual one for sure.

  7. This article gives a quick look at the new emerging trend in the HR field. This article can be very beneficial to HR Professional who are looking to new innovations and to new joiners to HR field to get an idea regarding the future of the HR field.

  8. A great article, using AI in HRM would increase the accuracy of data, reducing the risks of human error and inconsistencies.HR should make decisions on the investment cost of the emerging trends against the reduction in operational costs of the company.


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