
Drivers of Employee Engagement

Drivers of Employee Engagement by Chris Barathi Pillai Image credit; Sketch Bubble                                                                       Introduction   Employee engagement is very important for every organization nowadays. The development of the company depends on the employees working in the company. Accordingly, employee engagement is the ability of employees to continue working at the workplace. There are many factors that affect this. Employee engagement is increased by motivating employees and understanding what motivates them to commit personally to their work. Thus, employee engagement affects all activities in the organization. With today's rapid development and economic, social and technological changes, it will be very important to understand the fundamentals that lead people to do the best they can at those times. Employee engagement can often be influenced by their desire for meaningful work, career growth, empowerment, belonging, recognition, leadership

Managing Work Stress to Increase Employee Engagement and Productivity

Managing Work Stress to Increase Employee Engagement and Productivity  by Chris Barathi Pillai                                                                       Image credit: Olympia Benifits  Introduction  Workplace stress is a worldwide issue that impacts productivity in organizations as well as the health and well-being of employees. Stress at work occurs when a person's capacity and ability to handle demands of various kinds and combinations exceeds those responsibilities.  Work-related stress is described as the response people may have when presented with work demands and pressures that are not matched to their knowledge and abilities, which, in turn, challenge their ability to cope (World Health Organization, 2019). 12.5 million working days were lost in the UK last year due to workplace stress, depression or anxiety, and in the states, 40% of workers reported their job was very or extremely stressful. (Vickers, 2018) What is workplace stress? Job stress can be defined a

Team work to enhance Employee Engagement and productivity

  Introduction  Credit: Dreamstime Success in life is a very subjective component. No individual could strike success just by him/herself. We encounter and jump into a lot of people. Both professionally and personally there are a set of people who are there with us to encourage, guide and push us to the edge of the cliff for us to sustain, grow and maintain consistency. Professionally I believe that teamwork always makes the dream work. Being from the sports fraternity I strongly believe in this say. Personally, it is the family, friends and well-wishers who wish us luck and give us wing to fly to reach our dream so that we start to walk in the right path. " If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself." - Henry Ford  I completely mirror and resonate with the same thoughts put forward by Henry Ford. I would like to cover in this article about  Tuckman’s theory, the importance of teamwork, and the benefit of having a team as we encounter with dive

Goal-Setting Theory and the Important of a Healthy Journey Towards Achieving the Goal

Goal-Setting Theory and the Important of a Healthy Journey Towards Achieving the Goal                                                                           Image credit: Linked in  Introduction  "Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible" by Tony Robinson . As an individual or within an organization, everyone will have some sort of goal which drive them to plan and move forward. Everyone wants to achieve their goals on a set timeline, and they work for it. It is important to understand our journey towards achieving the goal, are we somehow trying to achieve a goal? (Not concern for others in the team or personal life; or are we trying to make our journey healthy towards achieving the goals even if we miss the timeline a little? Goal setting theory. In the 1960s, Edwin Locke put forward the goal-setting theory of motivation. This theory states that goal setting is essentially linked to task performance. Locke & Lathan stated in 2002 that

Emerging Trends in Human Resource Management (HRM)

 Emerging Trends in Human Resource Management (HRM)                                                  Image credit: Times jobs  by Barathi Pillai Introduction  With changes faced during and after the pandemic, people's minds and lifestyles changing, challenges to retaining staff, and new business challenges,  the HR department has to focus hard to keep things positive and get the best out of the employees. The HR department must keep its strategy in line with the trend to support the organization's vision and goals while providing a healthy journey to the employees.  Technology advancements have completely changed how people communicate, both personally and professionally. Information technology (IT) has substantially increased the HR department's efficiency in terms of hiring and choosing, training and development, and other related operations. This has allowed businesses to lower their associated expenses and speed up the HR department. Digital technologies are used in a v

Healthy Journey by Work-Life Balance

Introduction  Work frequently takes priority over all other aspects, and some reasons for this are the following: Financial commitment in the family  Having children  To achieve carrier growth targets Competition with friends, and colleagues in the professional field  Targets set by the organization  To get extra benefits from the organization  One of the current researchers is a customs officer serving the Customs Department of Sri Lanka, and it has been observed that many of the customs officers are suffering from work-life balance issues. Also, due to the work roster, rotation among various geographical regions including; Katunayake, Galle,Trincomalee, Jaffna, Hambantota, and the endless night shifts officers are under stress even though they can get a quite considerable level of financial rewards. Researchers conducted structured interviews with randomly selected six customs officers to collect preliminary evidence to justify the problem. All of them have replied in the same

Employee emotional Engagement

Employee emotional engagement   by Barathi Pillai HRM department? An organization is only as good as its employees, therefore HRM is important for maintaining or enhancing the success of the organization. HRM directors can also keep an eye on the labour market to keep their company competitive. This might entail ensuring equal pay and benefits, organizing events to prevent employee burnout, and changing job positions to reflect the market. No matter the size of the company, the HRM department is a crucial aspect of the operation. Its duties include increasing employee productivity and safeguarding the business from any problems that might develop within the workforce. Compensation and benefits, hiring, dismissing, and staying current on any regulations that may affect the business and its employees are just a few of HR's duties. HR department’s main functions are:                                                                                  source: Employee